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How To Write About Abortion: A Rights-Based Approach To Talking Abortion

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How to write about abortion



Dead Foetus

Unborn baby

Unborn child

Embryo (up to week 10 gestation)

Foetus (from week 10 gestation onwards)

The unwanted pregnancy

The alternatives are medically accurate terms, as the embryo or foetus is not a baby. It has to be born first!
Mother Pregnant woman The use of the term mother is value-laden and assigns roles that the person may not accept. It also implies that the foetus is a child, which is inaccurate.
Keep the baby

Keep the child

Choose to continue the pregnancy

Continue the pregnancy

It is medically inaccurate to describe the pregnancy as a baby or a child. It is more accurate to describe the situation as a pregnant woman choosing to continue, or not with the pregnancy.
Abort a child End an unwanted or unintended pregnancy

Have an abortion

‘Abort a child’ is medically inaccurate, as the foetus is not yet a child. ‘Terminate’ a pregnancy is commonly used, however some people prefer to avoid this as terminate may have negative connotations (e.g. ‘terminator’ or ‘assassinate’) for some people.
Pro-life Anti-choice


Pro-life implies that those who support safe and legal abortion access are ‘anti-life’, which is inaccurate. ‘ Those who advocate for the right to abortion make the woman’s life the priority.
Promote abortion Promote the right to choice Providing information about abortion is about promoting choices for women, and giving women the right to make reproductive choices, not just about abortion services.
Repeat abortion

Multiple abortion

More than one abortion ‘Multiple’ and ‘repeat’ can have negative connotations, and also homogenise the experience of each abortion which is inaccurate.
Female foeticide Gender biased sex-selection Since the suffix ‘-cide’ means ‘killing’, it is inappropriate way of describing abortion. It is more accurate to describe the practice as a choice to end the pregnancy based on the predicted sex of the foetus.



images to use about abortion

This guide has been created in collaboration with Asia Safe Abortion Partnership for the #AbortionMeraHaq campaign.


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